Africa Gold Fund Holdings Limited
Goridhe Chivimbo∙Aurum est Spera ∙Gold is Trust

The AGF Group of Companies

Our Investment Subsidiaries

AurumVest will open in the next 12 months 40 ASM Mining & Training Centers in Zimbabwe, Guinea, Mali and Burkina Faso. A total of 90 ASM Mining & Training Centers will be opened in the next 24 months in more than 20 African Countries.

DiamVest will open in the next 12 months 10 ASM Mining & Training Centers in Sierra Leone, Angola, South Africa and Guinea. A total of 30 ASM Mining & Training Centers will be opened in the next 24 months.

GoldChainBank are set to revolutionise digital banking services to our internal and external clients.We Bank Block Chain. Our $AuFRICA Digital Gold Asset ICO is set to shake up Crypto Markets. are the Luxury Brand Jewelry Business of Africa Gold Fund Holdings Limited. Our auditors have awarded a valuation on of $890million.

The Masakane Mining House holds 750,000,000 shares in Africa Gold Fund Holdings Limited. As a major shareholder in AGF we represent not just the commercial needs for ASM in Africa - but we represent ASM Community Development needs as well.

GeoCo.Africa offers bespoke Geological Services to all Mining Sectors. In addition GeoCo offers Mining Equipment and Mining Supplies through our eCommerce Platform Masakane.Shop.